Your Dog’s Dental Health: What to Look For and Why
Dental disease can be prevented. Here’s the scoop on their pearly whites.
Sloppy kisses from an eager dog are everything — that is, until their breath stinks. But notorious “dog breath” is just one sign that their dental health might need a little TLC. And it goes way beyond their teeth and gums, too. Dental disease can lead to all kinds of (ahem, expensive) long-term issues that can require tooth extraction, heavy-duty cleaning, even a root canal.
Since no one wants that, we’re here with a few telltale signs that a good ol’ teeth cleaning might be in order. Check with your vet if you notice any of the following:
Discolored teeth (brown or yellow)
Inflamed or bleeding gums
Blood on chew toys or in water bowl
Chewing on one side of their mouth
Reduced appetite
Excessive drooling or bloody saliva
Unexplained weight loss
Signs of dental disease that go unchecked can progress into more serious health risks, which can include:
Organ Damage
Well, that escalated quickly. But hear us out: When a dog develops dental disease, large amounts of bacteria grow in their mouth and surrounding tissue. These bacteria can enter the bloodstream and make their way to other areas in their body. The heart, liver and kidneys are particularly susceptible. Signs of systemic infection include fever, weight loss and decreased appetite.
Tooth Loss
This one probably seems more obvious. Just like humans, a dog’s teeth can fall out without proper dental care. Tooth loss happens when inflammation of the gums and bone undermines the structure of the tooth — basically, the support system starts to crumble. Aside from being flat-out painful, it can require medical intervention (think tooth extraction) and additional health issues.
Plaque Buildup
Remember going to the dentist as a kid, and they’d explain plaque? We’re about to do that. Plaque is the sticky film that builds up on teeth. It’s made of bacteria, and it begins to grow after your dog eats. Certain foods can speed up its progression, especially sugary treats (bacteria love carbohydrates). Too much plaque can be a ticket to dental disease.
Soooo, what's a dog parent to do? We're glad you asked — because we have ideas! A few changes to your dog's routine can help you get ahead of good oral health. Dental disease is preventable, and if detected early, it can be treated and reversed. Here are our favorite ways to take care of their chompers:
Brush 'Em
We know, we know. It can be unpleasant for everyone, but usually, brushing teeth gets easier as your dog grows accustomed to it. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste that's made for dogs, and approach your pup at their level when they're calm and comfortable. Start with just a couple teeth a day, and work your way up. Brush in small circles on the teeth and along the gumline. Daily brushing is ideal, but even once or twice a week is better than nothing.
Pro Clean 'Em
Every six months to a year, take your dog in for a professional exam and cleaning. Like the human dentist, they'll get a thorough inspection, a tooth polishing and Xrays, if necessary. They might even leave with a sticker.
Treat 'Em
Okay, this one is easier and way more fun — we're thinking your dog will agree. Dental treats are specially designed with unique ridges that help clean their teeth and gums while scraping away plaque and tartar. (Side note: Be sure not to give dental treats to puppies. They're not safe for those lil' baby teeth.) Made with real peppermint oil, our dental treats have a tasty flavor and appealing aroma. In other words, your dog will have no idea what you're *actually* giving them is a boost to their overall health.
Halo Herbal Dental Chew
Scrape away plaque. Fight tartar. Freshen their breath. Is there anything dental chews can't do? Designed with unique ridges to help clean teeth, our herbal edition has a natural cheese flavor for extra-yummy taste. They clean down to the gums and freshen their breath with real peppermint oil.
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Scrape away plaque. Fight tartar. Freshen their breath. Is there anything dental chews can't do? Designed with unique ridges to help clean teeth, our herbal edition has a natural cheese flavor for extra-yummy taste. They clean down to the gums and freshen their breath with real peppermint oil.
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